La Balastrera

SGD 21.00

Honduras stands out among Central American coffee-producing countries by producing more coffee per capita than any other nation worldwide, despite its small size. Coffee first arrived in Honduras during the 18th century, transported by trading vessels. Over the subsequent centuries, its cultivation gradually expanded, becoming increasingly prominent during the 20th century.

Ocotepeque, situated in eastern Honduras, is renowned for its rich volcanic soil and favorable climate, perfect for coffee cultivation. La Balastrera, a 5-hectare farm owned and managed by Jaime Mauricio Ventura, reflects his lifelong involvement in coffee, inherited from his family. Purchasing the land in 1986, Jaime has independently cultivated coffee since then, with support from his wife and daughter Silvia, who shares his passion and holds a Q coffee grader qualification, managing her own 2.5-hectare farm.

In 2019, Jaime experimented with honey processing for his coffee, achieving success despite challenges in drying the beans due to the cold and humid weather. Assistance from CAFESMO improved his coffee processing through their wet mill, and Jaime aims to enhance his equipment and explore new coffee varieties in the future.

During the harvest at La Balastrera, workers carefully handpick the cherries, which are then taken to Jaime's on-site wet mill. There, the coffee undergoes washing and sorting to remove any low-quality cherries. Subsequently, the beans are pulped, leaving a layer of mucilage, before being placed in barrels with pineapple for 120 hours of fermentation. After fermentation, the coffee is spread on raised beds in a greenhouse to dry until reaching the optimal moisture level.

Process: Honey Pineapple
Varietal: Parainema
Origin: Ocotepeque, Honduras
Tasting Notes:
Red Dates, Pomegranate, Almond Chocolate

Suitable for espresso
Available only in 200 grams

Recommended to rest beans for 7-10 days from roast date before consuming

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