
SGD 21.00

Honduras stands out among Central American coffee-producing countries by producing more coffee per capita than any other nation worldwide, despite its small size. Coffee first arrived in Honduras during the 18th century, transported by trading vessels. Over the subsequent centuries, its cultivation gradually expanded, becoming increasingly prominent during the 20th century.

Ocotepeque, located in the east of Honduras, is a region known for its fertile volcanic soil and ideal climate for growing coffee. Cascaritas is a large farm managed by Delmy Esperanza Hernandez, who inherited the tradition of coffee processing from her family. She continues this legacy with her son, Moises, who specializes in production and creating unique coffee blends, while Delmy specializes in processing, including experimenting with modern methods like carbonic maceration. With their combined experience spanning generations, they are skilled in producing top-quality coffees.

During the harvest season at Cascaritas, the coffee cherries are collected and transported to their wet mill located in Plan del Rosario. The coffee is immersed in a water tank to eliminate any floaters or low-quality cherries, then pulped to remove the outer fruit, and washed thoroughly. The cleaned coffee is then placed in barrels with Rose Yeast to kickstart anaerobic fermentation, a process used for the production of rosé wine. After 48 hours of fermentation, the coffee is spread out on raised beds to dry under the sun until it reaches the optimal moisture level.

Process: Anaerobic Rose Yeast
Varietal: Obata
Origin: Ocotepeque, Honduras
Tasting Notes:
Hawthorn, Red Apple, Rooibos Tea

Suitable for filter
Available only in 200 grams

Recommended to rest beans for 7-10 days from roast date before consuming

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